Relevant publications

Mavroudi, E. (forthcoming) Diasporas, in A. Kobayashi (ed) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Elsevier

Mavroudi, E. (forthcoming) Revisiting diaspora as process: timespace, performative diasporas? in K. Mitchell, R. Jones and J. Fluri (eds) Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration, Edward Elgar

Mavroudi, E. (2017) Deconstructing diasporic mobilisation at a time of crisis: perspectives from the Palestinian and Greek diasporas (part of a special issue on Diaspora Mobilizations for Conflict and Postconflict Reconstruction: Contextual and Comparative Dimensions), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, available online:

Mavroudi, E., B. Page and A. Christou (eds 2017) Timespace and international migration, Edward Elgar

Mavroudi, E. and Nagel, C. (2016) Global migration: patterns, processes, and policies, London: Routledge

Mavroudi, E. (2015) Helping the homeland? Diasporic Greeks in Australia and the potential for homeland-oriented development at a time of economic crisis in A. Christou, and E. Mavroudi (eds) Dismantling Diasporas: Rethinking the Geographies of Diasporic Identity, Connection and Development, London: Ashgate, 175-189

Jöns,H.,Mavroudi,E.andHeffernan,M. (2015) Mobilisingthe electivediaspora:German-Americanacademicexchanges inthepostwar period.TransactionsoftheInstituteof British Geographers, 40, 113–127

Mavroudi, E. and Holt, L. (2015) (Re)constructing nationalisms in schools in the context of diverse globalized societies, in  T. Matesjkova and M. Antonsich Governing through Diversity: Migration Societies in Post-Multiculturalist Times, London: Palgrave Macmillan

Mavroudi, E. (2010) Nationalism, the nation and migration: searching for purity and diversity, Space and Polity, (14) 3, 219 – 233

Mavroudi, E. (2010) Contesting identities, differences and a unified Palestinian community, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 28 (2), 239 – 253

Mavroudi, E. (2008) Palestinians in diaspora, empowerment and informal political space, Political Geography, 27, 57-73

Mavroudi, E. (2008) Palestinians and pragmatic citizenship: negotiating relationships between citizenship and national identity in diaspora Geoforum, 39, 307-318

Mavroudi, E. (2007) Diaspora as process: (de)constructing boundaries, Geography Compass, 1, 3, 467-479.

Mavroudi, E. (2007) Learning to be Palestinian in Athens: constructing diasporic national identities (part of a special issue on the Geographies of transnational networks) Global Networks, 7, 4, 392-412